The Football Australia MiniRoos playing format used for players aged 5-11 staggers the introduction of goalkeepers and goalkeeping skills over several years.
Stages are:
U6-7 No goalkeeper
U8-9 Goalkeeper with limits to how they can restart play, i.e no kicking of the ball from their hands. Ball is protected from the opposition until it leaves the penalty area.
U10-11 Same limits to methods of restarting play, however there is less protection of the ball on restart of play.
U6 to U7 Mini Roos: Goal size max 2m x 1m
There is no designated goalkeeper, and the game leader is instructed to ‘discourage players from permanently over-guarding the goal’, and again later ‘to discourage children from permanently standing in front of the goal’.
The reasoning behind having no goalkeeper in U6-7 is given as ‘The role of the
goalkeeper in football is uniquely specialised and typically players develop as keepers at a later age. In the youngest age groups, keepers can be uninvolved in the game for long periods which can be uninteresting and means they are not part of the team for long periods of the game. Most goalkeepers have played for many years as field players before deciding to become goalkeepers.’ (Football Australia n.d)
U8 & U9 Mini Roos: goal size max 3m x 2m
The goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area.
To restart play after a save or gathering the ball with their hands, the ball must be thrown or rolled from the hands or played from the ground with their feet, within 6 seconds. The goalkeeper is not allowed to kick the ball directly from their hands.
Opponents must be at least 10 metres outside the penalty area and cannot move inside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
The ball is in play once it moves out of the penalty area.
An indirect free kick is awarded if the goalkeeper touches the ball with their hands after it has been deliberately kicked to them by a team mate.
U10 & U11 Mini Roos – goal size max 5m x 2m
The goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area.
To restart play after a save or gathering the ball with their hands, the ball must be thrown or rolled from the hands or played from the ground with their feet, within 6 seconds. The goalkeeper is not allowed to kick or drop kick the ball directly from their hands.
Opponents must be at least 10 metres outside the penalty area and cannot move inside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
The ball is in play once it moves out of the penalty area or when the goalkeeper places the ball on the ground.
An indirect free kick is awarded if the goalkeeper touches the ball with their hands after it has been deliberately kicked to them by a team mate.